I Latinamerika utpekas USA-organ som USAID eller NED (The National Endowment for Democracy) för att vara underorgan till CIA eller State Departement. NED och USAID anslår varje år miljontals dollar till organisationer från det så kallade ”civila samhället” som många gånger anklagas för att vara civila fasader för penetrering av USA:s politik i olika länder.
Advokaten Eva Golinger och journalisten Jeremy Bigwood från USA avslöjade efter statskuppen i april 2002 i Venezuela, att dessa organ hade finansierat större delen av de organisationer och rörelser som deltog i störtandet av demokratin.
Samma sak med Kuba där NED under budgetåret 2005 betalade [2] ut drygt 2,5 miljoner dollar, knappt 20 miljoner svenska kronor, till 17 olika organisationer med Kubaanknytning. Men alla har sitt kontor i USA, framför allt i Miami och mycket lite av dessa pengar kommer fram till de oppositionsgrupper som verkar på Kuba, ett faktum som debatterades i USA-kongressen i början av året, Miami lägger beslag på det mesta, var kritiken.
En organisation som får gröna sedlar är Federation of Electric, Gas and Water Plants, FEGWP. År 2005 fick FEGWP, som också har sitt kontor i Miami, 177,696 dollar [3], drygt 1,3 miljoner kronor. Som motiv för sitt anslag säger NED att det ska stödja ett ”träningscenter som ska träna kubanska arbetare i arbetsrätt och på Kuba distribuera information om internationell arbetsrätt”. Denna generositet från Bushadministrationen för arbetarsaken kontrasterar starkt mot Vita husets antifackliga och arbetarfientliga politik i USA. Varje år är en majoritet av de tio mest antifackliga företagen i världen just USA-företag, till exempel Wall-Mart där all facklig verksamhet bekämpas till det yttersta.
Innan jag reste till Kuba tog jag kontakt med Joel Brito, som på FEGWP:s hemsida utpekas som generalsekreterare. Min ansökan om att få träffa och intervjua en fackledare eller fackligt aktiv i FEGWP på Kuba besvarades aldrig. Men Raymundo Navarro hävdar att på Kuba finns det ingen annan ”oberoende” fackförening än CTC. Allt annat är ”spöken”.
Dick Emanuelsson
[2] http://www.ned.org/grants/05programs/grants-lac05.html
[3] http://www.ned.org/grants/05programs/grants-lac05.html#Cuba
NED-Cuba (17 org. 2005 och 13 org. 2006, alla med säte i USA, Miami)
Totala summa: 2,364,995 dollar till 17 organisationer, alla med säte i USA.
Från USAID kommer 8 miljoner dollar.
Dessutom innebär “Plan Bush” ytterligare 80 miljoner dollar för budgetåren 2007 och 2008. För 2009 20 mijoner dollar samt 35 miljoner till Radio och TV-Marti.
Afro-Cuban Alliance
To promote discussion about the conditions of Afro-Cubans and Afro-Cuban issues. The Afro-Cuban Alliance will establish a quarterly journal, Islas, which will be distributed inside and outside the island. The journal will seek to inform Cubans of African descent on the island and in exile about civil rights, the hidden history of slavery and racial discrimination in Cuba, the experience of civil rights movements, and how to organize to bring about change.
Asociación Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana (Cuban Culture Encounter Association)
To promote free debate and discussion about Cuban politics and the future of Cuba. Endowment support will enable Encuentro to publish its journal Revista Encuentro and continue to maintain its website and its web-based daily newspaper Encuentro On-Line. Encuentro will publish four editions of its journal, which will be distributed in Cuba and abroad.
Bibliotecas Independientes de Cuba (Independent Libraries of Cuba) (BIC)
Vem kan vara “oberoende” om man tar emot pengar från en stormakt som USA?
To promote intellectual freedom and debate inside Cuba. BIC will continue to provide material assistance to independent libraries in Cuba and promote international awareness of the library movement. BIC staff will travel to Latin America and Spain to meet with libraries, universities, think tanks, and other organizations to enlist their support for individual libraries and the libraries movement.
Center for a Free Cuba
To provide humanitarian assistance and emergency relief to political prisoners and their families. Assistance will go to family members of the nearly 300 prisoners detained in Cuba because of their political beliefs.
Center for International Private Enterprise
To increase the flow of independent information to Cuba. CIPE will distribute its award-winning magazine Perspectiva in Cuba. Perspectiva provides practical information and analysis on democratic, market-oriented reforms to its readers.
Cuban Committee for Human Rights (CCHR)
To support human rights in Cuba. The Cuban Committee for Human Rights will work with the UN Human Rights Commission in monitoring and investigating the human rights conditions in Cuba. The Committee will publish and disseminate both in Cuba and internationally news and information about the human rights situation in Cuba, and provide humanitarian assistance to political dissidents and prisoners of conscience in Cuba.
To promote the free flow of information to and from Cuba. CubaNet will provide humanitarian and material assistance to Cuban independent journalists on the island, hire a professional editor, and send representatives to Europe and Latin America to promote international solidarity with independent Cuban journalists.
Directorio (The Cuban Democratic Directorate)
To promote access to objective information and news in communities inside Cuba. The Directorio will establish a radio station specializing in programming devoted to community development and community news. The station will promote greater awareness of citizen participation, entertainment, and events at the local level.
Disidente Universal de Puerto Rico (Universal Dissident of Puerto Rico)
To increase the flow of independent information to Cuba and within Cuba. Disidente will publish and distribute in Cuba its monthly journal, El Disidente, and maintain its website, www.disidenteuniversal.org, containing articles and editorials from activists living on the island, dissidents living in exile, international news organizations, and an up-to-date list of political prisoners in Cuba.
Federación Sindical de Plantas Eléctricas, Gas y Agua (Federation of Electric, Gas and Water Plants)
To promote labor rights and defend independent labor unions and workers in Cuba. Working with independent labor leaders, the Federation will produce a report on labor rights violations inside Cuba. The group will also support a training center that will train Cuban workers in worker rights and distribute information inside Cuba on international labor laws and the activities of international unions.
Fundación Hispano Cubana (Hispano-Cuban Foundation)
To increase the flow of independent information to Cuba. The Foundation will publish and distribute in Cuba three editions of its journal Revista Hispano Cubana. The journal features articles and editorials on politics, human rights, and social and cultural issues. The Foundation will post each edition on the journal's website , as well as prepare previous editions of the journal in CD-ROM format.
Group for Corporate Social Responsibility in Cuba (GCSRC)
To promote labor rights and defend independent labor unions and workers in Cuba. GCSRC will conduct an international informational campaign about the violation of international labor conventions and promote corporate responsibility in Cuba by documenting the labor rights conditions, participating in a public hearing of the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights, and holding a conference in Spain with corporate social responsibility experts, union activists, and investors. GCSRC will continue to provide training and material support to labor activists inside Cuba.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
To support peaceful democratic change in Cuba. NDI will work with Miami based civil society organizations to hold discussions on transition experiences, raise international support and awareness about grassroots civil society initiatives on the island and the plight of the political prisoners, and coordinate communications between Cuban opposition leaders on the island and the international community. NDI will also provide support in developing and consolidating the organizational structure and the advocacy and outreach skills of Cuban civil society organizations.
Partners of the Americas
To strengthen women's groups in Cuba and increase collaboration in Latin America. Partners will provide printed training material to women's groups to strengthen their technical capacity in the areas of social communication, women's legal rights, and leadership development. Partners will also facilitate links between Cuban and non-Cuban women's rights groups interested in working with Cuban organizations.
People in Need Foundation (PINF)
To support the spread of information inside Cuba through local "samizdat" literature. PINF and Eastern Europeans who were active in producing "samizdat" during the 1980s will provide training and assistance to Cuban groups producing printed materials and video-journals on life in Cuba. PINF will also organize the second meeting of the International Committee for Democracy in Cuba in Brussels, Belgium.
People in Peril Association (PIPA)
To promote independent research and think tanks in Cuba. People in Peril will work with independent Cuban activists and intellectuals to conduct research and analysis on issues of political and economic transitions.
Red Feminista Cubana, Inc. (Cuban Feminist Network)
To promote women's rights in Cuba. Red Feminista will establish contacts with women's movements throughout the world, collect materials, and initiate a series of training programs inside Cuba for independent women activists. Red Feminista will expand its women's network to disseminate information on the strategies and activities of women's movements in other countries.
Afro-Cuban Alliance
To promote discussion about the conditions of Afro-Cubans and Afro-Cuban issues. The Afro-Cuban Alliance will continue to publish a quarterly journal, Islas, distributed inside and outside the island. The journal seeks to inform Cubans of African descent on the island and in exile about civil rights, the hidden history of slavery and racial discrimination in Cuba and the experience of civil rights movements.
Asociación Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana (Cuban Culture Encounter Association)
To promote free debate and discussion about Cuban politics and the future of Cuba. Endowment support will cover part of the administrative costs that will enable Encuentro to publish its journal Revista Encuentro and continue its web-based daily newspaper "Encuentro On-Line" and its internet chat portal "Connections." Encuentro will publish four editions of its journal, which will be distributed in Cuba and around the world.
Bibliotecas Independientes de Cuba (Independent Libraries of Cuba) (BIC)
To promote intellectual freedom and debate inside Cuba. BIC will continue to provide material assistance to independent libraries in Cuba and promote international awareness of the library movement. BIC staff will travel to Latin America and Spain to meet with libraries, universities, think tanks, and other organizations to enlist their support for individual libraries and the libraries movement.
Center for a Free Cuba
To provide humanitarian assistance and emergency relief to political prisoners and their families. Assistance will go to family members of the nearly 300 prisoners detained in Cuba because of their political beliefs.
Cuban Democratic Directorate (Directorio)
To promote access to objective information and news in communities around Cuba. Directorio will continue to offer radio programming devoted to community development and local news. The station will reach out to young people, women, and moderate elements of Cuban leadership through programs that promote greater awareness of citizen participation, entertainment, and events at the local level.
To support independent journalism and promote freedom of expression in Cuba. Endowment support will allow CubaNet to continue to provide compensation to independent journalists in Cuba who provide news and analysis of the situation in Cuba for publication on the CubaNet website. A representative of CubaNet will also travel to Europe to promote the work of independent Cuban journalists and build international solidarity with the journalists.
Disidente Universal de Puerto Rico (Universal Dissident of Puerto Rico)
To increase the flow of independent information to Cuba and within Cuba. Disidente will publish and distribute in Cuba its monthly journal, El Disidente, and maintain its website, www.disidenteuniversal.org, containing articles and editorials from activists living on the island, dissidents living in exile, and international news organizations. The website also maintains an up-to-date list of political prisoners in Cuba.
Fundación Hispano Cubana (Hispano-Cuban Foundation)
To increase the flow of independent information to Cuba. The Foundation will publish and distribute in Cuba three editions of its journal Revista Hispano Cubana. The journal features articles and editorials on politics, human rights, and social and cultural issues. The Foundation will post each edition on the journal's website, as well as reproduce previous editions of the journal in CD-ROM format.
Grupo Internacional para la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Cuba (International Group for Social Corporate Responsibility in Cuba) (GIRSCC)
To promote labor rights and defend independent labor unions and workers in Cuba. GIRSCC will inform businesses and labor organizations about the violation of international labor conventions in Cuba. In addition, GIRSCC will document and produce a report on labor conditions in Cuba and participate in public hearings at the Organization of American States and International Labor Organization. Lastly, GIRSCC will continue to provide training and material support to labor activists inside Cuba in their efforts to organize and monitor working conditions inside the island.
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
To support peaceful democratic change in Cuba. NDI will work with Miami-based civil society organizations to hold discussions on transition experiences, as well as raise international support and awareness about grassroots civil society initiatives in the country and the plight of the political prisoners. Additionally, NDI will continue to provide support in developing and consolidating the organizational structure and the advocacy and outreach skills of Cuban civil society organizations.
People in Need Foundation (PINF)
To support the spread of information inside Cuba through local "samizdat" literature. PINF will continue to support independent journalists and dissidents through training programs and humanitarian aid in the country and through the work of the International Committee for Democracy in Cuba in Europe. PINF will also conduct research in Cuba to explore the possibility of expanding its activities to include projects directed at Cuban youth.
People in Peril Association
To promote independent research and think tanks in Cuba. People in Peril will continue to support independent Cuban intellectuals who are conducting research and analysis on issues of political and economic transitions. People in Peril will continue the exchange between Cuban intellectuals and Slovak experts and expand the geographic reach of the project.
Red Feminista Cubana, Inc. (Cuban Feminist Network)
To promote women's rights in Cuba. Through its contacts with women's movements around the world, Red Feminista will collect and send materials to Cuba for independent women activists and will hold a series of training programs for them. Red Feminista will expand its women's network within Cuba from six to eight groups to which it disseminates information on the strategies and activities of women's movements in other countries.